CIRCULAR - Corona Virus thi Sankrmit Thayel Shikshako ne Onduty Gnva babat
CIRCULAR - Corona Virus thi Sankrmit Thayel Shikshako ne Onduty Gnva babat :Regarding the above subject, it is to be noted that teachers infected with the novel Corona virus are not eligible. With reference to the Department of Education as per the proposal from the letter dated 07/08/2020 of this office regarding counting. Instructions have been sent from the letter. A copy of the enclosure is attached herewith. Notices of the resolution dated 01/04/2021 of the finance department attached with the letter of the education department .
According to Novel Corona performing duty in the primary schools under the District / Town Education Committee In the case of teachers infected with the virus, in special circumstances, a fair decision is made at your own discretion. Will be able to Government official employees infected with corona in the prevailing corona situation in the state. Medical in special case to fixed salary employees and all contract based officers / employees The state government had received several representations regarding the sanction of leave. Present matter to the Government Was under consideration. Adult consideration is ultimately determined by the fact that, a government official employee, of fixed salary
Employees and all contract based officer employees come to Corona positive and so on If an official medical certificate is submitted, such employee will be granted 10 days medical leave in special case. Will have to. This 10 days leave will have to be borrowed in the account of medical leave deposited with them. But, if in any case 10 days medical leave for this purpose is not credited in the employee's leave account If so, they will also be entitled to 10 days of missing medical leave. This provision Applicable for calendar year 2020 as well as calendar year 2021.
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